Do you have frameworks and are you documenting them?


As a freelancer, you gather input from every project and it shapes your approach to different kinds of work.

For example, if you’ve written a number of case studies, you know that a case study typically follows a structure: Introduce the client > state the challenges > present your solution > measurable outcomes > future outlook.

When you’re writing your first case study, you might do some research to build this structure. But if you’re well into your fifth case study, say, you know by now that this is how a case study’s narrative unfolds.

At this point, you have a framework. Like we have the case study questionnaire at emdash [PDF] that we ask the client to fill out. Some might be frameworks you borrow from other people, like the Eisenhower matrix or Michael Hyatt’s prioritization based on your daily big three. Others might be a combination of things you’ve learned from multiple sources. Yet others might be things you’ve developed on your own.

As a freelancer, it’s crucial to have thorough documentation for our frameworks, because they define the way we do work.

  • They help us stay consistent and deliver high quality work every time to every client.

  • They make work easy for us when we get similar projects; also differentiate us from other freelancers.

  • With set frameworks, we can enter every project more organized and prepared.

  • Adding these processes / frameworks to our client contracts helps build credibility.

  • If you’re looking to grow your freelancing business into an agency, it’ll be significantly easier to pass your knowledge on to your team.

Listen to me dear freelancer, you’re doing your work in unique ways that makes you great. Make sure you document them and keep it accessible. It’ll help you a lot more than you are ready to believe.